A person or an organization or a representative person of an organization, mentioned in membership category can apply membership of this association. Among them, the eligible persons applying for Student Member, Affiliated Member, Junior Member, Associated Member, Member, and Fellow can apply the membership through the online application form.

Which membership category would be eligible for me?

Before applying the membership, the applicant should read the following “Terms and Conditions of MEAA“.

Required Documents to be attached with Application Form

  • A passport size photo in digital format (more prefer with blue-color background)
  • Curriculum Vitae (maximum 5 pages)
  • Copies of Academic Certifiactes
  • Recommendation Letter; one recommendation for Member Candidates and two recommendations for Fellow Candidates
  • Any supporting documents that would support for application process

Note: There is no specific format of recommendation letter and it can be recommended from person(s) of MEAA Fellow level; either academic or professional field. However a letter of recommendation should illustrate, at least but not limited to, professional background and contact of referee, quantitative and qualitative description on proficiency of applicant, total years of acquaintance, past working experiences and his/her specialized-area of expertise and so on.

For the organizations who want to apply Corporate Member, please directly contact to MEAA for application process.

MEAA Membership Application Form

Step 1 of 5


Choose “Social Sciences” for “archaeology, geography, anthropology, cultural-ethnic studies, psychology, sociology, economics, political science, etc.” or “Natural Sciences” for physics, chemistry, biology, earth sciences, etc.” or “Formal Sciences” for computer sciences, mathematics, statistics, etc.” or “Professions” for “environmental studies, forestry, agriculture, medicine, social-work, public administration, law, engineering technology, architecture design, transportation, etc.” or “Humanities” for “human history literature, philosophy, etc.”.